An Ode To Doubt is a critical revaluation of “doubtful” traits, such as uncertainty, ambivalence, contradiction and inconsistency, that are often considered inadequate and unconvincing by society. In reaction to this negative reputation, Mentaxis – the design practice of Loes Claessens and Kirsten Spruit – has developed a new mentality which acknowledges the complexity and ephemerality of the contemporary metamodern zeitgeist, and embraces doubt as a mode of progress. To exercise and spread this mentality, they literally put doubt in the spotlight by performing as a band.
Backstage we are designers.
On stage we are a band.
Mentaxis created a music video for their song Horizons using only laptops. It consists of a few animations, some existing material found on Tumblr and YouTube, and footage shot with our webcam or screen capture. This not only worked as an efficient and liberating limitation, but also represents the current zeitgeist in which technology and the internet overwhelm us with information and opportunities. In fact this limitation isn’t that limiting at all.